Corporate Social Responsibility

We have developed a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, setting ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on society, people, and the environment.



We believe in a society of equality and justice, and we dream of a better tomorrow for all individuals.

  • We created the Gregory's - School Synergy Snacks Bar with the aim of providing professional rehabilitation for young people with disabilities. Our bar has been rewarded as a Product of the Year for 2024
  • For yet another year, we have been recognized as a Great Place to Work 2024-2025. This distinction comes from our employees, who feel satisfied and secure with the work environment we provide.
  • In 2024, we supported the 1st Pink Together, the largest awareness campaign in Thessaloniki organized by "Alma Zois" of Thessaloniki. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis as regards the breast cancer.
  • We implement initiatives for women's empowerment. In 2023, on the occasion of International Women's Day, we supported the work of the center for Gender Rights and Equality DIOTIMA, which aims to systematically highlight and address discrimination against women.
  • We support the efforts of SOS Children's Villages because every child has the right to grow up with love, respect, and security.
  • We take action against Brain Drain. We have established the Gregory’s Future Managers Program with the purpose of attracting talented young candidates each year. After their training, they assume integral positions within our central offices.
  • We encourage lifelong learning by offering scholarships for postgraduate programs to employees within our central offices and network every year.
  • We reward the children of employees who are admitted to university every year by providing them with gift vouchers for purchasing laptops or other equipment.
  • The personal empowerment, well-being, and mental health of our employees are a priority. That's why we offer all our employees and their family members access to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP provides immediate access to specialized psychologists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, offering counseling support and guidance for a wide range of personal, work-related, and family challenges.



In Gregory's, we have cultivated a strong sense of responsibility for the entire society, and we undertake diverse initiatives to maximize our contribution:
• During 2024, in collaboration with the NGO "Together for Children," we provided meals to 1,897 children hosted by 19 child protection organizations in Attica. The donation included 25,565 food items, with a total weight of 9,620 kilograms, which met the nutritional needs of these children.
• For the past 10 years, we have been providing freshly prepared school meals on a daily basis to all inmates attending the educational units within the New Special Avlona Juvenile Detention Facility. This additional incentive encourages the youth to actively engage in school activities and envision their future optimistically.
• During times of crisis and special circumstances, we support local communities. For 2024, inmate registrations in the school units broke all records, surpassing 230 registrations!
• In 2023:
- During the devastating wildfires in Rhodes, we provided free coffee and food to firefighters, volunteers, and police officers who were operating on the frontlines.
- We donated packaged products from Gregory's through the Greek Red Cross to the flood victims in Thessaly.
- We secured school meals for the 2022-2023 academic year for all children of the Friends of the Child Association and the Greek Children's Village in Filyro.



We prioritize environmental protection through a variety of actions.

  • We are an active member of the 'Alliance for Food Waste Reduction' since its inception, and through the 'BOROYME' initiative and the 'TOGETHER FOR THE CHILD' association, we provide hundreds of thousands of meals to people in food insecurity. Additionally, we donate surplus food portions daily from our stores for charitable purposes.
  • We reduce plastic usage by adopting environmentally friendly materials and promoting reuse.
  • We implement practices in both our central offices and stores:
*Placing specialized recycling bins for paper, packaging, mobile phones, and batteries in the central offices.

*Collaborating with alternative management organizations for battery and electronic waste recycling.

*Donating old electronic equipment to schools.

*Providing reusable containers to staff and banning plastic bottles and cups in the central offices.

*Monitoring energy consumption in company offices.

*Using FSC-certified delivery menus and photocopying paper.

*Utilizing LED lighting technology.

*Reducing water consumption in stores by installing rinsers in the coffee station.

*Educating new hires about environmental actions and providing practical training at an educational center.

*Detailed guidelines for the network's employees on waste prioritization, prevention, and management, as well as the recording process.

*Regular evaluation of suppliers regarding their environmental actions.

These efforts are just a few examples of our commitment to environmental sustainability.