Last update: 28/09/2023

The company “GREGORYS S.A.”, seated in the Municipality of Alimos, 8 Archeou Theatrou St., GR: 174 56, with TIN 094321194. (hereinafter “Gregory’s”) undertakes to safeguard and respect your privacy.

I state without any reservations that the details and information stated in the attached CV, on account of which I will provide all relevant supporting documents when so requested, are entirely accurate. I acknowledge and accept that any falsification or omission of material facts or information may entail the rejection of this application and justify termination of the employment contract for cause in the case this is certified after recruitment. I grant the company “Gregory's” with the power to lawfully collect and process the information provided by me (name, surname, email, mobile phone, CV and other information stated in the comments or as part of interviews) for express and legitimate purposes (i.e. for assessing upon my request, as a data subject, the data contained in my CV prior to the potential execution of a contract) and specifically to collect and process my background, the references contained therein, my working record as well as any other issue evidencing my suitability for working with the company.

I understand and accept that I am required to sign a confidentiality and non-competition agreement in the case that I join Gregory’s workforce and I must provide the necessary health certificate for employment in a health-regulated establishment and the work permit (where required). I acknowledge and accept that the mere filling-out of this application or subsequently the performance of any interview does not indicate any job vacancy and does not oblige Gregory’s to recruit me as part of its workforce. Finally, I was informed that Gregory’s processes the personal data contained in this application-expression of interest only for reasons of assessing my application and the successful submission of the job application. After such processing is terminated, the Company will not retain any records of the above personal data if no job offer is submitted to it; instead, it will destroy them in accordance with the Company's Record Retention Policy. I was also informed that data recipients are the individuals working with the company and authorized to fulfil the aforementioned purposes, as well as that Gregory’s may disclose the above personal data to its third partners, in each case with the view of assessing my job application. Finally, I was made aware of my rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 679/2016) and Law 4624/2019, i.e. the rights of access, correction, opposition to processing, erasure, and portability, if the legal requirements are met, as well as my right to appeal to the Supervisory Authority (Hellenic Data Protection Authority and of the right to file a complaint before the Hellenic Data Protection Authority, seated at 1-3 Kifisias St., GR 115 23, Athens or by using the following link

With this notice, I was informed about the available means of communication with the company, in case I have any inquiries regarding the Privacy Policy or anything related to the processing of my personal data, but also for the exercise of my rights; in this case I can contact the company via the email address


Last update: 28/09/2023

By attaching your CV, the personal data contained therein are automatically sent to the email address stated by the franchisee of the Gregory’s network store or by Grigoris S.A. company (for company stores) who are seeking for candidate employees for the job position that you have selected, who, as the case may be, is the controller of your personal data.

By attaching the CV, you state without any reservation that the details and information stated in the attached CV, for which you will provide the relevant documents when so requested, are entirely accurate. You acknowledge and accept that nay falsification or omission of material facts or information may entail the rejection of this application and justify termination of the employment contract for cause in the case this is certified after recruitment. You authorize the respective franchisee of Gregory’s network or Grigoris S.A. company (for company stores) who are seeking for candidate employees for the job position that you have selected, to lawfully collect and process the information I state (name, surname, email, mobile phone, CV and other information stated in the comments or as part of interviews) for express and legitimate purposes (i.e. for the assessment upon my request, as a data subject, of the data contained in my CV prior to the potential execution of a contract), namely to collect and process my background, the references contained therein, my working record as well as any other issues related to my suitability for employment.

We also inform you that you are required to sign a confidentiality and non-competition agreement in the case that you join the store’s workforce and you must present the necessary health certificate to work in the health-regulated establishment and the work permit (where required). We inform you that the franchisee of the Gregory’s network store or Grigoris S.A. company (for company stores) seeking for candidate employees for the job position process the personal data contained in this application-expression of interest exclusively for the assessment of your application and the submission of the job application. After the vacancy is filled, the franchisee or Grigoris S.A., as applicable, will not retain any records with the above personal data but they will destroy it.

I have also been informed that data recipients as regards company stores are the individuals working with the company and authorized to fulfil the aforementioned purposes and for franchise stores the franchisee and/or the individuals cooperating with them who are authorized to fulfil the aforementioned purposes. The above personal data may be shared with third party partners of the above persons, in each case with a view to evaluating your job application. Finally, I was made aware of my rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 679/2016) and Law 4624/2019, i.e. the rights of access, correction, opposition to processing, erasure, and portability, if the legal requirements are met, as well as my right to appeal to the Supervisory Authority (Hellenic Data Protection Authority

If you wish to contact us regarding the exercise of your rights, you may do so via the electronic address indicated in the job posting and/or the address where you sent your CV or (for company stores) you may use the electronic address

If you consider that the processing of your personal data contravenes with the applicable legislation, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority seated at 1-3 Kifissias Avenue, GR 115 23, Athens or by using the following link